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Agenda 2016:

Tribal Federalism, the 2016 Political Transition, and the fate of the Somali Republic


The 3rd Annual Somali Conference 2016

Friday 20th May 2016 (16:00PM –18:40PM) __________________________________________________________________________________

Place: Bergen Resource Center for International Development

Auditorium, Jekteviksbakken 31, 5892 Bergen


Registration is open until 2nd May 2016.

E-mail: grsf@live.com or batteriet@skbb.no

Mobile: 46643055



On Behalf of the Global Relief Somali Foundation (organizing committee), it is our great honor and pleasure to cordially invite you to attend the 3rd Annual Somali Conference in Bergen 2016.

This year, the theme of the conference is “Tribal Federalism, the 2016 Political Transition, and the fate of the Somali Republic” and the conference will be held on Friday 20th May, 2016 at 16.00pm, at the Bergen Resource Center for International Development, Auditorium Jekteviksbakken 31, 5892 Bergen.


The Global Relief Somali Foundation is a non-profit organization, non-religious and non-political organization. It was registered in Norway, on June 5th, 2010.

We are proud to offer a very exciting programme with focus on discussing the issues and challenges, in our local community and the political situation and Somali Diaspora in Europe and USA.


For you information, Prof. Abdi Ismail Samatar is a Professor and Chair of Department of Geography, Environment and Society at the University of Minnesota and a Research fellow at the University of Pretoria. Prof. Abdi Samatar will be the Keynote Speaker 2016.


If you have any questions or concerns, or if I may be of assistance in any way, so please do join us in this exciting event and do not hesitate to contact me. The provisional title of the presentation is “Tribal Federalism, the 2016 Political Transition, and the fate of the Somali Republic”.

We expect attendance this year to be the highest ever; in the area of 50 delegates and 4 speakers.

I hope you are able to accept this invitation and I look forward to hearing from you.